📌SRT online summer conference 2021

SRT Mongolia organized the SRT summer conference 2021 through an online platform💻 between August 1st-August 4th. We are truly grateful towards students of the Northeast Asian universities such as Akita university, Seoul National University and National Chengchi University for taking part in the summer conference. It had been a memorable time❤️for us. We had interesting discussions on pressing issues in Northeast Asia and got a chance to broaden our views through our communications and various perspectives. Summer conferences not only help us to expand our knowledge and broaden our views on certain issues, we also get to know each other and make a special bond of friendship💞. 📲💓Even though this year’s summer conference had been held online, we hope we could see each other in person next year.

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SRT Online Summer Conference 2021 Application

📣1 day left to apply! The application will close on July 20. We are looking forward to your application.


If you have not received or seen the application URL, please contact us through our email (srtclubmgl@gmail.com) or send message to us.

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SRT Summer Conference-Discussion topics

SRT Online Summer Conference 2021

Committees and topics of this year:

1. Education committee: Expanding exchange programs between countries

2. Economic committee: Economic impacts of Covid-19 pandemic

3. Conflict Resolution committee: Political Status of Taiwan and Countries Dilemma

4. Health committee: Positive and negative impacts of lockdown on mental and physical health

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SRT Online Summer Conference 2021

📣SRT Summer Conference is an event hosted every year in one of the member countries of The Northeast Asia Student Round Table. The purpose of the Conference is to bring together fellow SRT members, discuss pressing issues in the region, and come up with a resolution together. This year’s Conference will be hosted online by the Mongolian team.

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SRT Great Khuraldai

SRT Great Khuraldai is an online event hosted by SRT Mongolia with the purpose of gathering SRT members from all the countries to meet each other, have a fun time, and make friends with fellow members before the annual Summer Conference.🌐We are inviting members of Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan to join the meeting on May 8th.

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Conflict Resolution committee

  • Topic: Safeguarding Taiwan’s autonomy to ensure peace and prosperity in North East Asia

Up to this day, both the legal and political status between Taiwan and China have been somewhat unclear. Taiwan openly declares that it is a sovereign state and only legitimate China, whereas China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and it will eventually be reunited. The more powerful China gets, the more neglected the question of Taiwan’s political status in the region as well as in the world.  

Health Committee

  • Topic: Positive and negative impacts of lockdown on mental and physical health

With the emergence of Covid-19, governments from all around the world took preventive methods and policies in order to halt the spread of the virus. Such measures include border closures, trade restrictions, lockdown and more on. But these, in turn, made significant impacts on the well-being of the population, both mentally and physically. 

Education committee

  • Topic: The practical impact of all types of exchange programs among Northeast Asian countries and new initiatives

The Northeast Asian region includes countries with ancient historical, cultural ties and modern technology. However, historical and territorial disputes and economic competition continue to affect regional cooperation. In response to these issues, an exchange program among students, youth, and professionals will be an important stimulus for mutual understanding and cooperation. 

Economic committee

  • Topic: Changes and solutions originating from Covid-19 in Economy

Current economic situation is devastating for countries around the world. Covid-19 and its impact on the economy of Northeast Asian countries has been challenging over a year now.

Lockdown has caused many businesses to close their doors and some of the businesses are even on the brink. For example, traditional services sectors, especially those involving human-to-human contact, such as retail, restaurant, and hotel, recorded significant decline in businesses.

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